Joint Innovation Network – Data Driven Innovation in the fight against COVID-19 and future pandemics

About the Innovation Network

There are lots of questions regarding the current pandemic – Could it have been foreseen and prevented from spreading worldwide? Could the procurement of urgently required medical materials such as protective masks, respirators have been better coordinated, by e.g. determining the required need in advance or putting alternative production facilities into operation? Could more lives have been saved if we could have quickly analyzed which statistical characteristics such as previous illnesses, age, medication taken etc., which reactions trigger certain therapeutic approaches, even if the virus is unknown? There are questions on top of questions that concern many innovators and political decision-makers worldwide.

Allymatch GmbH, a deep-tech startup from Mainz, Germany, initiated this joint innovation network to build a group of innovators from Germany, Canada and the USA in order to contribute to combating COVID-19 and future pandemics using data-driven innovation projects. This network is supported through the ZIM Program of BMWI.

Download the presentation as a PDF (1.3 MB): About JIN COVID 19

This innovation network is aiming to help innovators

Stay Relevant During the Crisis

By utilizing their skills and strengths to innovate and develop meaningful products with a global impact.

Find Innovation Partners

With other innovative companies, having complimentary technical skills, to work on Research and Development projects.

Develop Products

Based on data driven innovation to solve problems which are needed urgently now and in the future.

Find Financial Resources

For the R&D projects which have been established by the members in our network, we will help find funding opportunies.

Conduct Market Research

Research and competition analysis to determine which projects can have the most impact and should move forward for funding.

Expand Internationally

An easier market entry in Germany and in North America during and/or after the pandemic.

Network Manager

Regional Coordinator

Our Members

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JIN COVID-19  is a ZIM Innovation Project of Allymatch GmbH

Mombacher Str. 48, 55122 Mainz , Germany

Tel: +49 6131 58 45 755  |  E-Mail: |

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