Joint Innovation Network – Data Driven Innovation in the fight against COVID-19 and future pandemics
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Virus Free Version Coming Soon
Here is our reply to a fun message we have received recently. While we cannot uninstall 2020, we can definitely help to reduce the global vulnerability caused by the virus and be better protected from a global pandemic which may come in the future.
If you are also interested in cross-border data driven projects and would like to join us, contact us!
Source: Adobe Stock / Dmytro S
Vaccines to protect against Covid-19, the new coronavirus infection
Covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, affects people all over the world. However, companies and research institutes are developing protective vaccines.
At least 227 vaccine projects against SARS-CoV-2, which has only been known since about New Year’s Day, have been started within a short period of time: The World Health Organisation WHO currently counts 214 (list of 02.12.2020). In addition, there are at least 13 other projects that it has not yet listed. These are projects of the following companies and institutes:
Coronavirus vaccine 90% effective, say Pfizer and German company BioNTech
German company BioNTech and its US partner Pfizer announced on Monday that early results from ongoing Phase III trials showed that their vaccine was 90% effective in preventing COVID-19 infections.
The statement from the two companies is the first release of successful data from a large-scale trial of coronavirus vaccines.
Source: BioNTech SE 2020
Source: From Original Article on New Jersey Innovation Institute
NJII Partners with ViRvii to Become Leaders in Educational Virtual Reality
The New Jersey Innovation Institute (NJII) has partnered in a Joint Venture with ViRvii, Inc., a proprietary Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technology and platform provider to become the leader in professional workforce development, all levels of academic education, and commercial training. Together, ViRvii and NJII will offer scalable and versatile online education experiences using Cross Reality (XR) modalities that are a fusion of VR/AR, machine learning, and advanced camera and computing technologies.
Vital signs monitoring: Study to reduce severe COVID-19 courses and relieve the healthcare system
With the aid of cosinuss° Two, the relevant biodata are recorded with high resolution around the clock. The collected values are then sent to the TUM headquarters for evaluation in accordance with data protection regulations…
Lohmann produces and donates mask holders to informa
“Sticking together is essential in times of crisis” is a much-quoted saying – especially in the current Covid-19 pandemic. In search of ways to support people in the region, Lohmann’s Bonding Engineers are always creative. Following a special permit from the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health they produced..
Spreadsheets for Confluence: Changing the way Hospitals Document COVID-19 Records
Organizations across all industries use Atlassian Confluence as their chosen wiki. With seamless connectivity to their other tools, Confluence is an easy way for organizations to host internal documentation and display compelling external knowledge bases.
Source: Freepik
Survival of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza virus on the human skin: Importance of hand hygiene in COVID-19
The 9-h survival of SARS-CoV-2 on human skin may increase the risk of contact transmission in comparison with IAV, thus accelerating the pandemic. Proper hand hygiene is important to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 infections.
Announcing the COVID-19 Therapeutics Accelerator
Mark Suzman announces the COVID-19 Therapeutics Accelerator, a partnership between the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome, and Mastercard. The initiative aims to identify potential treatments for COVID-19, accelerate their development, and prepare for the manufacture of millions of doses for use worldwide.
Source: Freepik / pressfoto
Source: Freepik / Harryarts
CSIRO scientists publish new research on SARS-COV-2 virus ‘survivability’
COVID-19 causing virus lasts for 10 days longer than Influenza on some surfaces. Lower temps, glass, stainless steel and paper banknotes give virus longer life.
Forscher experimentieren mit Hemmstoff gegen Corona
Ein Forschungsteam der Mainzer Universitätsmedizin hat eine Möglichkeit gefunden, Ansteckungen mit Covid-19 womöglich zu verhindern. Der Wirkstoff könnte später als Nasenspray eingesetzt werden.
Quelle: FAZ – Forscher experimentieren mit Hemmstoff gegen Corona
Quelle: ZDFheute Corona im Körper
Corona im Körper – ZDFheute
Diese direkten und indirekten Schäden kann das Virus anrichten.
Quelle: © Martin Joppen/Sanofi/dpa
Corona-Impfung: Ein alter Impfstoff gilt nun als Hoffnungsträger
Ein altbekanntes Vakzin verhindert laut einer Studie Atemwegsinfekte – und könnte auch gegen Mutationen des Coronavirus wirksam sein. Bringt das den Durchbruch?
Krankenkassen können 400 Millionen Euro in Startups investieren
Ein neues Gesetz macht Krankenkassen zu Investoren und legt damit das Fundament für ein neues Ökosystem. Gesundheitsstartups können davon profitieren.
Quelle: gruenderszene / Getty Images
Quelle: matejmo / Getty Images
So gut muss ein Impfstoff schützen können – SPIEGEL Wissenschaft
Mehr als 30 Impfstoffkandidaten sind im Rennen – doch wie effektiv müssen sie sein, damit man die Pandemie in den Griff bekommt? US-Forscher haben verschiedene Szenarien entworfen.
Maskenpflicht im Freien: Ist Corona draußen nun doch gefährlich? – ZDFheute
München hat eine Maskenpflicht für Plätze beschlossen. Dabei gilt das Risiko, sich im Freien mit dem Coronavirus anzustecken, als gering. Warum die neue Regel? Ein Faktencheck.
Welches Forscherteam macht das Rennen?
Quelle: ZDFheute
Wettlauf um Corona-Schutz: Diese Firmen liegen im Impfstoff-Rennen vorn – ZDFheute
Die Impfstoff-Suche hat den wohl größten Wettlauf ausgelöst, den die Wissenschaft je gesehen hat. Am Ausgang des Rennens entscheidet sich, wer den Corona-Schutz zuerst bekommt.
Neue Antikörper-Studie-Was kann eine passive Corona-Impfung bringen? – ZDFheute
Forschende wollen eine passive Corona-Impfung entwickeln. Sie könnte sofortigen Schutz bieten, doch dieser würde nicht sehr lange anhalten. Ein Überblick.
Corona-Antikörper im Blut: Grundlage für die Entwicklung eines passiven Impfstoffs
JIN COVID-19 is a ZIM Innovation Project of Allymatch GmbH
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